Sunday, April 8, 2012


Darcy and Bingley come to dinner with the family.  Bingley sat right next to ironic! Darcy; however, sat at the opposite end of the table from me.  What does this mean? I do not know.  I don't know if this is an act of a man that loves me...

Bingley's Return

It has been told to me that Bingley is returning to Netherfield Park.  He should only be here for a few weeks, but who knows.  My father refuses to see him, however.  How could we see him? He broke my innocent, beautiful sister's heart.  What kind of a man is he?

Big News

Mrs. gardiner has recently told me that Darcy was behind the Lydia and Wickam conflict resolution.  Darcy was the one that found Lydia and Wickam.  He also paid for the marriage to be fascilitated.  I was so shocked.  Mrs. Gardiner told me that he did this because he loves me..Do i love him?

My Opinions of Darcy

A miracle has opinions of Darcy have changed.  I now realize that he is a wonderful man with a kind heart.  Although it may not come across that way at first, he truly is.  Man, I wish i had thought twice when he proposed to me...maybe someday.

Monday, March 26, 2012


Lydia is an embarrassment to the family.  All she does is flirt with boys and make a fool of herself.  How is she invited to Brighton? What is my father thinking.  This is a disgrace to the family..a true disgrace.

Jane's Reaction

I was pleased to tell Jane about Darcy's proposal.  She did not disagree with me turning him down; however, she did feel a little sorry for him.  She felt sorry that he is in love with me, yet I do not love him back.  I still do not feel sorry.  Maybe if he changed his ways, and became a little more of a gentleman, I would consider a relationship with him.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Today, Darcy proposed to me..of course, I said no.  Imagine a haughty person like him with a girl like me.  He does not care about love, no.  All he and his family care about are status and money.  That is not something I believe in.