Monday, March 26, 2012


Lydia is an embarrassment to the family.  All she does is flirt with boys and make a fool of herself.  How is she invited to Brighton? What is my father thinking.  This is a disgrace to the family..a true disgrace.

Jane's Reaction

I was pleased to tell Jane about Darcy's proposal.  She did not disagree with me turning him down; however, she did feel a little sorry for him.  She felt sorry that he is in love with me, yet I do not love him back.  I still do not feel sorry.  Maybe if he changed his ways, and became a little more of a gentleman, I would consider a relationship with him.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Today, Darcy proposed to me..of course, I said no.  Imagine a haughty person like him with a girl like me.  He does not care about love, no.  All he and his family care about are status and money.  That is not something I believe in.